In this part of the lesson you can study the Dialogue or Conversation. Here you can learn how to write in Japanese, see how to form sentences, how to ask questions, how the verbs are conjugated in present, past and future, use nouns at singular and plural in phrases, pronouns, adverbs and adjectives, numerals. This basic and common Japanese Conversation is useful for beginners, children, tourists and even for intermediate and advanced learners to test and improve their Japanese. First you have the Dialogue in Japanese characters, then the Romaji version and at the end the translation in English. To hear the Human Audio pronunciation of this Conversations please go here.
Kodomo: すみません この くだものは いくらですか Otoko : せんえん です!
Kodomo : ぶどうも ありますか
Otoko : はい あります! ごひゃくえん です
Kodomo: Sumimasen kono kudamono wa ikura desuka
Otoko: Sen en desu!
Kodomo: Budo mo arimasuka
Otoko: Hai arimasu! Go hyaku en desu
Otoko: 1000 yens!
Kodomo : Do you have grapes as well?
Otoko: Yes, we have! They cost 500 yens.
Keywords: Basic Japanese Dialogue, Conversation. Learn Japanese writing, understanding, communication, pronunciation, reading. Best Free Japanese Lessons with Dialogues, Conversations, Online for Beginners, Intermediate, level, A1, A2, B1, B2 , Kids, Travellers, simple Japanese phrases, Dialogues, Conversations, Essential Japanese, Basics Vocabulary, sentences, everyday Japanese, 漢字 - Kanji, ひらがな - Hiragana, Romaji (English Letters), learn Japanese fast, easy, fun, mp3 download, Developing conversation skills